Take Control of the Value of Your Business.

Our 360 Business Valuations give you the tools you need to manage and communicate value in your business. We don’t just give you a number in a fancy-dancy report that has lots of unhelpful information. We involve you in the process so you can see what goes into establishing a value for your business — and gain the insights you need to actually manage not just the profit, but the over-all value of your business.


If you are thinking of transitioning your family business ownership to a son or daughter, their success may be substantially increased by participating in the 360 Business Valuation process. I certainly wish I had had this knowledge BEFORE owning the family business, not after!

Ginny Altman


Value-Wise Business Founder

Close-up of female and male hands pointing at business document while discussing it

We have access to industry research, reports, standards and trends that aren’t available to the general public. We show you how we analyze your data to reveal what is there and what is not to identify opportunities in future growth in profit and value.

Sometimes owners want to transfer value to a family member or trusted employee. Sometimes they want to capitalize on it themselves. And sometimes they want to sell it to an outside investor. In any event, 360 Business Valuations communicate information in a way that can benefit you, the owner.

  • Freedom: How to transition out of the business that you worked so hard to build? And who can you get to take over?
  • Growth: How to grow your business in a way that you can capitalize on?
  • Transfer Choices: Should you sell your business? Transition to a family member? A valued employee? What are all the options to putting together a package that makes them want to be the next owner?
  • Comparison to Others: How does your business look compared to other businesses in your industry?
  • Legacy: How do I honor those who were before me? Leave with an upstanding reputation in the community?
  • Valuation: What is your business’ unique value proposition that others will want to pay for? How do you make them see it?
  • Stress: Time is passing and you need to figure out what to do to create a secure and fulfilling future for you and your family?

We’ve owned a business and struggled with how to transition out of it. That’s why we started this business January 1, 2008: To help other business owners avoid the frustration of working with professionals who want to lead us blindly to an end result we’re not sure we want. We offer:

Collaborative Partnership

Our Focus is on You

Knowledge Transfer

Ethical Standards

Industry Expertise

Family in Mind

Results-Driven Approach

Strategic Approach

Some of them have surprising endings!

Each business is unique.

We collaborate with you to create unique solutions for the satisfying future of your business… and family.

Soar higher with the knowledge gained through the 360 Business Valuation process.

The fruits of our labors are ever sweeter when they are realized by a well executed plan.