Meet Our Founder
Virginia “Ginny” Altman
The first business Ginny sold was her family’s business, after she owned it for several years.
The Merger & Acquisition professionals didn’t really want to help a small to midsize business owner to sell her business, so she had to figure everything out for herself.
She paid a lot for a business valuation, and got a 50-page document with lots of stuff about economics, one number that mattered buried near the back, and no explanation of why that number was what it was. The accountant couldn’t explain it either. That made her determined to learn what “business value” really is, and how you come up with a number.
16 years later, having been the business value consultant and/or broker for more than 30 years, Ginny wants to show YOU the value of your business, and involve you in every step of the process so you can take control of the value of your business.
Some mysteries are meant to be solved, and how to create value in your business is one of them.
360 Business Valuations
More than Just a Number
Delivered in a Way that You and Prospective Investors Can Understand
+ You are involved in every step of the process
+ We scrounge for value nuggets
+ You are given a copy of the proprietary industry documents we rely on
+ The EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization) methodology is calculated as a foundation
+ You also receive 2 additional valuation calculations, using methods specific to your industry
+ The Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats to your Company’s value is assessed to strengthen the validity of the final valuation range
+ You receive a Business Sale Prospectus written in Plain English that emphasizes your Unique Value Proposition
Our ultimate goal is to prepare a package that a Due Diligence team can’t crack.
Our Values
The wheel below shares the values we live by.
We are indeed passionate about all of our values, but the one that is most important to us is INTEGRITY.
We love working with clients who share INTEGRITY as the key value.
It’s time to find out: How much value does your business have?
How much more value could it have?
How It Works
Below is an overview of the steps involved in developing your 360 Business Valuation. Questions? Give us a call! 412-514-1050. Or schedule an appointment.